I have had the truck serviced and had a 'pre-trip' inspection - all good.
I have purchased all the food and supplies I will need for a month on the road, mostly in remote desert areas without the luxury of supermarkets or service stations.
All that remains to do is load the cryovac'd frozen meals into the Engle freezer and the non frozen into the Waeco Fridge on Saturday morning and then it will be time for me to sing my favourite Willy Nelson song 'On the road again' :-)
Please track mey progress by clicking on the 'Track Me - CSR 2008' link that you can see on the right hand side of this blog
If you want to contact me then use one of the MANY options that I have listed below in a previous post.
One last request - if you want to send me an e-mail please do BUT no attachments please (and if you have mein a group mailing list I suggest you remove me in case you send an attachment to the group)
The reason I ask you to do this is the mobile brooadband I am using will take toooooooooo looooong :-)
Ok - this will be my last post until I get back - so I will wish you all well and hope to be able to post some good stories and photos when I return in August